The Poem Process

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  1. Dream it.

A celebration, a commemoration, a thank you, a good luck, a welcome, or perhaps just simply, there’s something you want to say to someone close to you. Tell me a little bit about your poem project idea and the subject or subjects. Then I will carefully put together some questions for you which will help me to gather the words and thoughts that will enable me to create your poem.

2. Write it.

I will use your memories, feelings, thoughts and words to craft a unique poem. I might need to ask a few more questions along the way. I will send you a voice recording of your poem for a first listen and gather some of your initial reflections.


3. Share it.

I will do careful final edit of your poem and make any tweaks. I will email to you a printable digital copy in an attractive font with a border of your choice.

Some of my clients choose to illustrate their own poems or engage a professional illustrator. I really welcome this option and it’s always wonderful to see the results. If you would like me to recommend calligraphers and professional illustrators, contact me here.